
This section provides solutions to the known problems a user could encounter while using the KivyInstaller.

Known problems

  • Can’t download Python .msi - probably missing bitsadmin, run cmd and bitsadmin. If available and still not downloading, report an issue.
  • Python installation doesn’t work - report an issue with msi.log from your folder.
  • w9xpopen.exe error - Python .msi installer is broken. Delete it, KivyInstaller will download a fresh one.
  • Whatever “Internet security” error for nul and extrapath displayed in the details is not an error. The statement only makes an empty file for an extra path, ignore it.
  • msvcr100.dll is missing. You need to download it.
  • Python 3.5+ installation fails on stock: Windows Vista, Windows 7, probably even on Windows 8. On Windows 7 you’ll need at least Service Pack 1 with its updates. Similar updates related stuff applies for Vista and 8.
  • Bitsadmin didn’t finish the downloading correctly and threw some error in HEX such as Unable to complete job - 0x80200002. See BITS Return Values.

Report an issue

If you experience any problems, report an issue in the github repo.